Graham Mackintosh was born in London. He studied Social Sciences at Leeds and Sheffield Universities. He won the UK Adventurous Traveller of the Year Award in 1987 for walking around the coast of Baja 1983-1985. Graham is the author of four Baja books:
Into a Desert Place
Journey With a Baja Burro
Nearer my Dog to Thee
Marooned With Very Little Beer
And these photographic eBooks:
Paddy's Huggy Adventures
Kayaking to La Paz: Stage 1, Bahia Gonzaga to Bahia de los Angeles
Kayaking to La Paz: Stage 2, Bahia de los Angeles to Bahia Concepcion
Kayaking to La Paz: Stage 3, Bahia Concepcion to Loreto
Kayaking to La Paz: Stage 4, Loreto to La Paz
Paddy's Further Adventures
Paddy and Lavender's Christmas Adventures
Guardian Angel Island
My Amigo Coco
He has been traveling to Baja for more than 40 years.
Available on Amazon Kindle
"I had never been particularly good at anything except catering to my own comfort and safety."
Into a Desert Place
Into a Desert Place, 1988. My first book.
Available on Amazon Kindle:
This account of walking six months in Baja California with Misión, my pack burro, comes straight from my heart - and perhaps a little from his heart, too. Our journey, which began on the border at Tecate and ended 1,000 miles later in Loreto, brought me moments of joy and anguish. Make allowance for my laughter and tears…and my seemingly wild imaginings; they go with the territory and the experience of being alone in such a wilderness. The winter of 1997-1998 was, in one sense, a wonderful time to make this trip. It coincided with the biggest El Niño on record. On the west coast of North America that meant persistent and perhaps unprecedented rain. In spite of the difficulties and dangers posed by the storms, Misión was able to enjoy a rare abundance of water and grazing, especially in the parched CentralDesert region of Baja. The same journey would be a very different proposition in a year with more normal precipitation.
From an overland trek down the trail of the padres, exactly three-hundred years after the establishment of Baja California's first mission at Loreto, springs Graham Mackintosh's book, Journey with a Baja Burro.
As well as a tribute to the 300th anniversary of the founding of the Loreto Mission, Journey with a Baja Burro is also a celebration of the dramatic beauty of Baja, the importance of wilderness, the depth of the relationship between the author and his burro companion, and in spite of the author's explicit questioning and rejection of Christian dogma—especially that held by the Catholic missionaries—it is, in the end, a record of a powerful spiritual, perhaps Christian, experience and a moving tribute to the courage and character of the early Baja missionaries.
Available on Amazon Kindle
The Sierra San Pedro Mártir is Baja California's "sky island," where an ancient forest seems to touch the stars. At last, in Graham Mackintosh, this unique, breathtaking, and alas, endangered place has its bard.
Nearer My Dog To Thee is a both charming and important page-turner of a book. When I put it down, I felt as if I had spent four glorious months in the Sierra San Pedro Mártir myself. And what an adventure it was! Shooting stars, packs of coyotes, a soaring eagle, thunderclaps and crashing trees... I learned about mushrooms and condors, stars and comets and the planet Mars, and best of all, I "met" Pedro, a rescued mutt from Rosarito, and Penny, the cute-as-a-button little coyote-chasing terrier.
This book will delight anyone who loves Baja California, its high sierra, and most of all, dogs. Graham Mackintosh shows us that, indeed, God is dog spelled backwards.
C.M. Mayo, Author of Miraculous Air: Journey of a Thousand Miles through Baja California, the Other Mexico.
Nearer My Dog to Thee - My third book.
2020 Available on Amazon Kindle. $2.99
Tales of a Teddy Bear in Mexico's Bay of the Angels, Bahia de los Angeles.
2020 Available on Amazon Kindle. $2.99
South from Bahia Gonzaga to Bahia de los Angeles. In 2015, the author returns to the toughest stage of his walk around the coast of Baja California, as told in his 1988 book: Into a Desert Place.
This time he goes by "embarrassingly overloaded" sit-on-top kayak, and compares the experiences. Many of the author's 1983 photographs are included. Overall, hiking and kayaking, more than 200 color pictures give a detailed perspective on this beautiful and unique region.
This is the first volume of four as Graham Mackintosh paddles his kayak south and re-lives his Sea or Cortez adventures on foot, 1983-1984.
211 Pages
2020 Available on Amazon Kindle. $2.99
The book, with the aid of almost 200 photographs, describes the author's November 2016 sit-on-top paddling journey between the two bays. He compares that kayaking experience with the experience of walking the same stretch of the Sea of Cortez back in 1984. Many unpublished photographs of people and places encountered in 1984 are included.
211 pages
2020 Available on Amazon Kindle. $2.99
In November 2017, renowned Baja author Graham Mackintosh paddled his sit-on-top kayak from Bahía Concepción to Loreto. Camping alone on remote desert shores, he touches on the area's history and wildlife, as well as its peace and beauty.
Having hiked that coast in 1984 he compares hazards and experiences, and with the aid of previously unpublished photographs takes us back to the many people who helped and befriended him on his epic walk around the coast of Baja in the 1980s.
As with all the books in his Kayaking to La Paz adventure, this volume is richly illustrated with photographs... 150 full page pictures and captions take you along and tell the story, and help celebrate the magnificence of the Sea of Cortez.
2020 Available on Amazon Kindle. $3.99
Loreto to La Paz was the final stage of a sit-on-top kayaking journey that began hundreds of miles north in Bahía Gonzaga in October 2015.
Having arrived safely in Bahía de los Angeles, Graham Mackintosh intended to go no further. His goal had been just to return to that most challenging and little-known section of Baja's Sea of Cortez coastline, and to re-live memories of backpacking it in 1983.
Nevertheless, having gained confidence in the kayak and the opportunities it afforded, and the soundness of the plan to run north-south with the prevailing wind, hugging the shore, he launched into another stage November 1, 2016, paddling from Bahía de los Angeles to Bahía Concepción. Again, he had no goal beyond enjoying the trip and the memories.
By the time he launched his kayak on the next section: Bahía Concepción to Loreto in 2017, he had no doubt he'd be heading for La Paz the following year.
He started the final section later than planned after attending a niece's wedding in England. It was November 24 before he pushed off from the beach in Loreto.
As well as describing a beautiful kayak adventure, and the incredible hospitality of the people of Baja California, the author includes dramatic photos and stories from the time he walked from Loreto to La Paz in 1984. With 300 pages, and 300 photographs, both adventures are well illustrated. There are dozens of images of Americans and Mexicans he crossed paths with back then. Many have never been published before.
300 Pages
2020 Available on Amazon Kindle $2.99
The continuing story of Paddy, a large, washed up Teddy Bear found by "socially isolating" author Graham Mackintosh - on his birthday - in Bahia de los Angeles, Baja California, Mexico.
This book recounts Paddy's adventures and misadventures in and around LA Bay, his travels by kayak to remote beaches and uninhabited islands, and his developing relationship with the beautiful and fragrant Lavender, another Teddy Bear gift of the universe!
With the aid of more than 100 full-page color photographs, and a splash of British humor, Paddy's Further Adventures tells of exciting encounters with whales, dolphins, rattlesnakes, whale sharks, ospreys and dozens of desert and marine species.
Suitable for children and adults alike, a touching informative look at the wonders of the Sea of Cortez and this beautiful part of Baja California.
A sequel to Paddy's Huggy Adventures, which relates how the raggedy sand-and-seaweed covered bear miraculously came to the author when he'd had his fill of isolating and was in need of a hug.
125 Pages
The author spends 15 days over Christmas 2020 with his loveable rescued bears, Paddy and Lavender on the Gulf of California's second largest island - Isla Angel de la Guarda, Guardian Angel Island. They came to isolate, and they don't see anybody.
But they have their adventures. Witnessing the "Bethlehem star." Palm canyons to explore. Great fishing and kayak exploring. Wonderful beachcombing. The constant battle between ospreys and ravens. A sad encounter with a dolphin on Christmas day. Wild winds.
A heartwarming peek into the lives of two happy bears... and a socially isolating author on one of the world's most beautiful and remote islands.
Kindle Price:$2.99
Recounts the author's several trips to Isla Angel de la Guarda, the second largest island in Mexico's Sea of Cortez, or Gulf of California.
From a first visit in 2003 to spending Christmas 2020 alone on Guardian Angel (with two "rescued" Baja bears) this book conveys something of the flavor and attraction of the 40-mile-long uninhabited desert island.
With the aid of 400 full-page photographs, the beauty, history, and wildlife of this unique and incredible place is brought vividly to life.
Weeks without seeing anyone. Hiking and kayaking... embark on a fascinating "lonely" journey rarely matched in this busy, overcrowded world.
Kindle Price:$4.99